100% low FODMAP
Gluten Free
Pescatarian Elimination Phase
The Epicured low FODMAP Program is the first of its kind - a clinically designed meal plan. Curated by our award-winning chefs to make the low FODMAP Elimination Phase easy and delicious to follow. Start your transformation today with our nourishing, regenerative, ready-to-eat low FODMAP (always gluten-free) meals.
The Elimination Phase is your tool to reset your body and get ready to find your trigger foods.
Your Epicured low FODMAP program will be delivered to your door twice a week. We've worked with renowned clinicians to create a nutritionally balanced Elimination Phase designed to eliminate the symptoms of IBS, IBD, Crohn's, Colitis and Celiac flare-ups.
1: Select Your Diet.
Identify your diet preferences for your elimination phase journey.
2: Set Your Schedule.
Select the Elimination Phase for your body. Choose from 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks of a pre-set menu and delivery schedule.
3: Eat. Reset. Feel Good. Get Ready To Find Your Trigger Food.
Eliminate the eight FODMAPs that most commonly cause digestive issues while maintaining nutrient balance and variety. Each week is 100% low FODMAP including 7 each of breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts.
4: Included In Every Program.
- Receive deliveries 2x a week
- Free Shipping
- Enjoy a tiered pricing discount tied to the length of your Elimination Phase
- Fixed pricing
- Includes a wellness tracker
- Includes an on-the-go low FODMAP cheat sheet
Shipping is FREE. Weekly shipping can be up to $49.99. None of the Elimination Programs are charged shipping fees. Use CODE EliminationProgramFREEShipping at checkout.
Your menu is PRE-SET. If you have an allergy please let us know, we will swap out the menu cycle for the week. We do not substitute individual items.